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Hair twins Book Launch Party with Little City Books and Mayor Bhalla

The Hoboken Public Library and Little City Books invites you to celebrate Hair Twins at an outdoor, socially distanced and masked book launch in Church Square Park on Saturday, May 8th at 11 am.

Join Hoboken resident and local author, Raakhee Mirchandani, for a reading and signing of Hair Twinsher new book about a  Sikh father and daughter with a special hair bond. 

We will begin with a warm welcome from Mayor Bhalla, followed by Raakhee reading Hair Twins! Next, Emily Jabbour, Councilperson-at-Large, will read Super Satya Saves the Day.

You won't want to miss this! 

Little City Books will have copies of Hair Twins available for purchase so you can get your copy signed by Raakhee.

May 10

Children's Book World Presents: Hair Twins Virtual Story Time and Book Signing