When Terrible Things Happen, What Do You Tell Your Children?

By Raakhee Mirchandani for Elle Magazine

My daughter Satya and I talk about lots of things. She's 2.5 — the .5 is important, she's very clear about that — so our daily musings vary between the importance of pooping in the potty, rather than next to it, if dogs are better than cats (they are, duh), and if butterflies and bumblebees have mamas that make them eat broccoli.

But earlier this week we had a different conversation. It seemed ridiculous not to talk about it, given the tragic scene in Orlando last week.

I'm not always sure when to talk about stuff. Is she too young to know that people die? Will I scar her forever if I tell her the truth about Santa right from the beginning? And, given that hate speech and hate crimes are daily occurrences these days, is it really that crazy to want to talk about tolerance with a toddler?


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